We aim at DECODING THE FUTURE – for that purpose, we are blazing a trail in the field of future digital infrastructures. We succeed in our aims by coaching and counselling research and promotional projects that do not only have impact on the present but above all on future technologies. With these projects, we promote innovative ideas in the course of energy transition. Together with our partners in industry and science, we carry out research projects that deal with digitization, smart grids and low voltage networks as well as optimization of control and grid. Thanks to federal funding, we are able to make good progress and create a basis for further technological development.
Click on a project below for more details.
Current Projects
The project will run from 1 October 2022 to 30 September 2025
What does AGenC stand for?
Automated Generation of models for prediction, testing and monitoring of cyber-physical systems.
Project description
Almost all application fields of information technology from mobility, logistics and mechanical engineering to energy technology are dominated by cyber-physical systems (CPS). CPS are networked computer systems (“cyber”) that interact directly with the environment (“physical”) via sensors and actuators. It takes considerable time to check complex CPS during design and commissioning (testing), to monitor them while being operated (monitoring) or to predict the system behaviour (prediction). Suitable modelling is required. However, subcomponents or even entire subsystems of modern CPS are often only available as a black box whose internal realization is not known or only known to a limited extent. Such cases need initial time-consuming modelling.The work is either done manually or avoided. Quality metrics are likewise missing to assess usability and applicability of models as well as select and compare different model types. Steps required for modelling have only been little automated so far. Thus, testing, monitoring and prediction create bottlenecks more and more often while drafting.
Goals and objectives
The goal of the AGenC project is to develop a toolbox for CPS from different application areas with uniformly usable methods and interoperable technology solutions for their modelling. To be more precise, the project aims at realizing a framework of software methods and tools that create models for CPS. Thus, the project starts with creating standardized interfaces for use in different areas of application. Furthermore, new types of adaptive models are to be developed, which are based on Adversarial Resilience Learning (ARL) and able to combine discrete and continuous models to address relevant aspects of the models simultaneously – from adaptability to accuracy. To be able to assess the quality of a model, criteria and metrics are to be defined for comparison and extension of the different models. All in all test case generators, system monitoring and system prediction based on models are to be realized. Models in the applications should have a modular design to enable replacement, comparison or extension.
VIVAVIS brings to the project its competence in as well as experience with infrastructures especially for energy systems and grid control technology. Our main issues are
- defining requirements and system architecture;
- implementing defined interfaces for interaction between grid control technology and AGenC framework;
- designing, implementing and validating a tool that monitors the behaviour of a CPS during operation and recognizes unwanted system conditions;
- drafting and implementing a prototype for energy systems.
Meet our project partners
- Institut für Technische Logistik, Hamburg University of Technology (TTHU)
- Fraunhofer Center für Maritime Logistics and Services
- Institute of Embedded Systems, Hamburg University of Technology (TTHU)
- OFFIS – Institut für Informatik
AGenC is funded by
The project will run from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2025
What does CACTUS mean?
Connect, Assist & Control: Transparency and (und) System stability for smart energy systems
Project description
The challenges facing decarbonization of the energy system are increasing electrification and system oriented local supply of customer facilities, districts and charging clusters. On-site supply with electricity and heat generated locally with photovoltaic or combined heat and power stations must be coordinated with the grid and the energy market. This reduces network congestions and enables optimum use and distribution of the overall amount of available electric energy regionally as well as temporary. However, the market so far only has quite limited means to control the distribution grid. Therefore, the goal of the project is to develop algorithms to optimize grid operations and market. Furthermore, interfaces are to be developed for communication between participants of the energy market.
Goals and objectives
The CACTUS project aims to optimize network utilization and energy use in the distribution grid by exploiting flexibility potentials of, for example, charging clusters and districts. Core elements are incentives such as (virtual) price signals provided to decentralized automated plants. This aims at reducing the price of electricity consumed and charging clusters, for example, are to make higher installed loads available without further grid expansion. Precise communication (connect) is to help grid operators (assist). First, to evaluate and confirm additional plants taking into account their level of flexibility within the grid. Second, to visualize forecast network congestions and alleviate them by means of suitable (virtual) price signals (control). The algorithm is to adopt (virtual) price signals accordingly. With a high degree of probability, this will prevent network capacity limits from being exceeded despite deviations in generation and consumption behaviour and thus avoid disconnections. Customer facilities may react to these (virtual) price signals or not.
VIVAVIS brings to the project its competence in as well as experience with infrastructures especially for energy systems and grid control technology. Our main issues are
- prototypical integration of a CPO via OpenADR protocol into grid control technology by VIVAVIS;
- prototypical integration of forecast information via CIM protocol into grid control technology by VIVAVIS;
- exporting control signals or schedule values from grid control technology by VIVAVIS to the iMSys infrastructure;
- supporting control room staff by means of sample implementations of an assistance system in grid control technology by VIVAVIS.
Meet our project partners
- AVAT Automation GmbH
- msu solutions GmbH
- Power Plus Communications AG
- Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg
- Technische Hochschule Ulm
- Stadtwerke Schwäbisch Hall GmbH
- Stadtwerke Ulm/Neu-Ulm Netze GmbH
- Stadtwerke Ludwigsburg Kornwestheim GmbH
- Stadtwerke Bernburg GmbH
CACTUS is funded by
The project will run from 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2026
What does MeGA mean?
Metering systems for large-scale power generating plants
Project description
Reaching climate goals by electrification in the fields of heating and mobility requires more and more energy. So far, integration in compliance with IT security standards via smart metering systems (iMSys) has only been defined for small-scale generating plants. The project MeGA aims at developing a concept for large-scale generating plants. A field test is to proof the concept. This way the cyber security concept of smart meter gateways (SMGW) can be used in other application areas.
Goals and objectives
Protocols and circumstances are to be considered into a status analysis and to enable developing a solution suitable for even existing systems. A security concept is to be framed for the control unit behind a smart meter gateway. The concept has to take into account the significance of large-scale generating plants and is to be based on international norms and standards.
The goal of the project is to develop a smart meter gateway with hybrid WAN communication that is able to meet special requirements, for example, demands placed on availability of balancing services in the field of large-scale energy generation. The smart meter gateway is to feature WAN communication via LTE 450 MHz and a second WAN port. Thus, the SMGW will also be suitable for application as single WAN connection.
Realization of the technical concept is be coordinated by means of regular reports with a road map team consisting of members of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and the German Federal Office for Information Security.
Developing the required back-end infrastructure and integrating it into system environments of utilities will also be part of the project. The project is to connect virtual power plants, back-end, SMGW, control units and generating plant.
MeGA aims to integrate large-scale power generating plants in a field test and thus develop a working prototype ready to demonstrate technical feasibility. A blueprint is to be developed for the realization of interaction between all components and tested.
- Elaboration of specification and realization concepts
- Further development of the control unit
- Further development of the back-end system
- Coordination of public relations
- Cooperation with road map team
- Overall project management
Meet our project partners
- Theben AG
- Technische Hochschule Ulm
- Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen
- Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology IEE
- SWP Stadtwerke Pforzheim GmbH & Co. KG
- TransnetBW GmbH
- ane.energy
MeGa is funded by
The project will run from 1 September 2023 to 30 August 2027
What does NEED mean?
Neue Daten für die Energiewende (New data for the energy transition)
Project description
NEED aims to develop a national energy data platform for planning purposes. Existing data platforms shall thereby not be replaced but integrated as source into the system. Besides conventional data sources, the project is also intended to investigate options to close existing gaps with synthetic data. The various data sources are to be linked by ontologies to enable semantic requests and thus integration of planning tools.
Goals and objectives
The NEED platform aims to make data of various levels and domains digitally available as basis for planning and link data via ontologies. This will create a toolbox for planning tasks from buildings to infrastructure thus enabling automated and model-based analysis across systems. Besides improving quality with transparent, digital and verified data, actual costs and time to acquire and prepare data is to be reduced remarkably. At present, their share is more than two thirds of the actual planning process. The NEED platform is to remarkably facilitate as well as accelerate processes in the context of a data ecosystem. It will merge heterogeneous energy-related data sources automatically. Ontologies will serve to link these sources logically and consistently across different sectors as well as temporary and spatial levels. Thanks to integration of conventional data and derivation of synthetic data, the NEED platform aims to become a robust and flexible tool easy to care for that will suit to derive energy measures on various spatial levels thereby always considering the overall situation.
VIVAVIS brings to the project its competence in as well as experience with infrastructures especially for energy systems including their data. Our main issues are Our main issues are
- use cases, stakeholders and business models;
- evaluating taxonomy and ontology from a grid operator’s point of view;
- interfaces between NEED platform and partner tools;
- integrating grid control technology to evaluate the platform.
Meet our project partners
- Technical University of Munich
- Computational Modelling Pirmasens GmbH
- fortiss GmbH
- GEF Ingenieur AG
- GGEW Bergstraße AG
- GridData GmbH
- IQ Energieinstitut GmbH
- Karlsruhe Institute for Technology
- Siemens AG
- Stadtwerke Neuburg an der Donau
- Technische Universität Darmstadt
- TU Dortmund University
- RWTH Aachen
NEED is funded by
Optinetz – Bosbüll
The project will run from 1 November 2022 to 31 October 2026
What does Optinetz – Bosbüll mean?
Betriebsoptimierung des Wärmenetzes einschließlich der Nutzung von Strom aus EE und Abwärme aus der Wasserstoffproduktion in Bosbüll (Optimization of the heating network through both integration of electricity from renewable sources as well as waste heat created by the hydrogen production in Bosbüll)
Project description
Successful decarbonization of the heat sector depends on measures to improve efficiency of building shells and industrial engineering as well as better integration of renewables. Especially cross-sectoral system management (electricity sector and heat sector) of local heating networks takes on added importance with regard to decarbonization of the heating sector and expansion of renewables. In a local electricity network largely fed with energy from renewable sources, the number of hours keeps increasing during which supply outstrips demand. Flexibility reserves for heating supply are available at times during which less electricity is being consumed than being exported into the network. Instead of reducing the output of power generating plants, electricity could be stored or used to operate a heating network, which ensures the stability of the grid. For this purpose, system flexibility is to be used optimally in buildings when generating, distributing and exchanging heat. However, the mostly heat-controlled operation of heating networks does not actively involve the system’s components to optimize the entire system. The project aims to exploit the potential of predictive regulation based on artificial intelligence (AI) for optimization of the whole system.
Goals and objectives
The goal of the Optinetz – Bosbüll project is to implement optimized operation strategies. These strategies are to be developed by means of predictive regulation based on artificial intelligence thereby considering technical, economical and legal aspects. Basic technical aspects are to include simulation-backed development of system management for heating networks based on artificial intelligence and forecasts, maximum usage of electricity generated locally with owned wind turbines or PV systems as well as revenue-optimized commercialization on the electricity market. In addition, the project is to consider how to feed waste heat resulting from hydrogen production into the heating network and use thermal storages for load management. All these measures aim at increasing the overall efficiency of hydrogen production.
Besides technical aspects, the project is to investigate economic and legal issues as well. Above all, economical operation of local solar and wind farms and incentives of tariff models are to be evaluated after remuneration packages expired. Detailed analysis of operating strategies by means of extensive monitoring within the flagship project are to deliver a reliable database for similar projects. Implementing the project described aims to enable almost carbon-neutral heat supply in Bosbüll.
- Integration of partners via interfaces to the software platform by VIVAVIS and standardization of various data from different domains via software platform. Afterwards, data is to be provided to everyone involved in the project, eg the VIVAVIS affiliate eoda, to enable evaluations and forecasts based on artificial intelligence for system management. Data returned as well as resulting optimizations of operation is to be standardized and provided via the VIVAVIS system independent of individual or manufacturer-specific interfaces.
- Quality assurance to assess profitability (supporting eoda) as well as metering and monitoring concepts.
- Furthermore, VIVAVIS will evaluate portability of experience gained in the project to other areas of application and develop possible business model together with its partners. Thus, the project will serve as pilot project for similar use cases.
Meet our project partners
- Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology IEE
- ARGE Netz GmbH & Co. KG
- eoda GmbH
Optinetz – Bosbüll is funded by
The project will run from 1 January 2023 to 30 June 2024
What does RESIGENT mean?
Energy management of flexible consumers oriented to electricity market and networks based on resilient control functions in the context of decentralized agent-based algorithms.
Project description
Recent developments in the fields of e-Mobility and energy transition have immediate effect on electricity markets and electrical grids already today. These effects are among others remarkable increases in long-lasting network loads occurring at the same time. In contrast, users of e-Mobility and the energy market as such are interested in availability at any time. At present, the distribution grid provides only limited control options to the market that are able to incentivize grid-serving switching operations or preventive grid control. It becomes clear that holistically integrated system concepts, interfaces and market models are required.
Goals and objectives
The project RESIGENT pursues the overall goal to enable optimized switching and charging at a new type of station via decentralized agent-based algorithms and thus make it possible for the non-regulated market to provide system-friendly functions.
Resilience of networks is to be increased to ensure a higher level of security of supply as well as usability of electric vehicles. In compliance with current regulations, smart metering systems are to be used to provide market-oriented load management for e-Mobility in a dynamic, intelligent as well as flexible way.
Solutions developed within the RESIGENT project are to be combined with a flexible electricity rate and tested as well as evaluated in two network sections of our project partner Stadtwerke Haßfurt in real-life scenarios. The results will contribute to the development of our innovative products. One of the project’s goals is to connect the VIVAVIS control box to a Home Energy Management System (HEMS) via standardized bidirectional communication in accordance with VDE-AR-E 2829-6 (EEBUS) and enhance it for the market. Results are to be included in the standardization.
- Connection of a Home Energy Management System by our partner Hager via EEBUS protocol to VIVAVIS FNN control box and development of new tariff-based use cases.
- Implementation of new use cases into the VIVAVIS system landscape via IEC 61850 protocol.
- Connection of transparent CLS channels of smart metering systems to an already existing system landscape by VIVAVIS to enable use of the MQTT protocol.
- Connection of VIVAVIS system landscape via MQTT protocol to any market partner (to our project partner Hager and University Siegen).
To reach these objectives, available VIVAVIS products are to be integrated into the project and existing solutions are to be refined.
Meet our project partners
- Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.
- EEBus Initiative e.V.
- Hager Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
- Hochschule Ruhr West
- Stadtwerk Haßfurt GmbH
RESIGENT is funded by
The project will run from 1 February 2021 to 31 January 2024
What does SMECON-Box mean?
Project description
The project aims to analyse how smart meter gateway and FNN control box can be used to optimize grid operations (voltage control, reactive power management, net loss reduction, charging management, etc). The overall goal of the project is to develop a smart control box – SMECON-Box – that combines local intelligence and central controllability for the first time. This will minimize the necessity of remote control by the grid operators.
The overall objective of VIVAVIS is to develop and test the back-end communication between the various systems of grid operators and meter operators needed to control local installations (PV systems, EV home chargers, heat pumps, etc). Realization of the SMECON-Box project depends on integration into the back-end infrastructure of smart metering systems. In concrete terms, new interfaces are required to exchange information between different roles on the energy system.
A special focus is on developing grid supporting charging strategies for electric vehicles. The project aims to optimize grid operations with as little restrictive effect on consumers as possible. The implemented algorithm for the SMECON-Box will be tested in simulation, laboratory tests and field tests. As stipulated by German law, access to devices and their data can only be realized by connecting the back end to the smart metering system and thus the SMECON-Box.
The project aims to help in gaining valuable experience in operating smart meter gateways and FNN control boxes that can also be used to control decentralized charging stations for electric vehicles. Therefore, interfaces to and communication with installations – especially with EV home chargers – and the flawless interaction of back-end systems are to be thoroughly tested and examined.
Goals and objectives
The SMECON box is to be used to establish communication via smart metering systems and thus enable access to locally generated energy and local flexibilities. Combination with the FNN control box is to enable efficient and secure operation of local low voltage systems providing high levels of renewables.
The project offers the opportunity to gain important experience in the field of smart metering systems with regard to its options and limits, the operation of smart meter gateways as well as FNN control boxes and especially the control of decentralized charging stations for electric vehicles. Besides electricity, cross-sectoral interaction with the heat sector (via heat pumps) is to be examined too.
VIVAVIS brings to the project its competence in as well as experience with infrastructures especially for GWA system environments and grid control technology. Our main issues are
- developing interoperable interfaces between grid operators and meter operators based on rules and regulations (German MSBG) realized in an iMSys infrastructure;
- defining required use cases for communication between back-end systems;
- developing prototypical software for communication between back-end systems;
- developing prototypical software for communication between back-end system and SMECON-Box;
- integrating the prototype;
- enabling integration into the iMSys infrastructure;
- enabling control options for grid operators.
Meet our project partners
SMECON-Box is funded by
Successfully completed projects
The project will run from 1 September 2020 to 29 February 2024
What does FlexChain mean?
Blockchain-induced activation of small-scale potential flexibility in the low voltage network.
Project description
The project mainly aims to enable active participation of individual households in the energy system. Thus, a decentralized trading platform is to be created that will adapt energy production, storage and consumption dynamically to requirements of local and municipal networks. This will ensure supply of households and stability of networks even with renewable sources of energy. The system is to motivate individual households to offer their flexible consumers, for example, heat pumps or charging stations for grid-serving usage and offer effective alternatives to common grid expansion for system operators. Automated implementation and sustainable documentation of complex processes are to be based on blockchain technology – thus paving the way into a greener future in which everyone can participate.
Structural change to the energy sector triggered by the energy transition poses numerous challenges. The increasing number of renewable sources of energy such as wind turbines and solar panels displaces common centralized and predictable generation of energy with fossil fuels like coal or gas. To be able to tackle this trend, new concepts and solutions are required and must be tested. This is where the FlexChain project (launched in 2020) came in. Initiated by the non-profit August-Wilhelm Scheer Institut, the project aimed to evaluate how to integrate small-scale consumption, storage and generation capacities (eg home energy storages, heat pumps, charging stations for electric vehicles, etc) into a market-oriented process in an economical and technically practicable way. The goal was to enable local distribution systems facing challenges of the energy transition as well as to offer better options for participation to actors such as households and micro-enterprises.
Goals and objectives
The FlexChain project aims to create a simple market platform with decentralized organisation that enables and encourages especially households to make their own flexibilities available for grid-serving use. At the same time, the platform is to offer a possible alternative to conventional grid reinforcement for system operators. To achieve this goal, generation plants, storages and consumers are to be able to adjust generation, consumption and storage behaviour to the needs of the energy grids dynamically and motivated by incentives. So far, the potential of households and micro enterprises has only been used to a limited extent.
VIVAVIS brings to the project its competence in as well as experience with infrastructures especially for energy systems and telecontrol. Our main issues are
- evaluating requirements and system architecture;
- creating a module (embedded hardware) suitable for industrial application that features a blockchain light node;
- drafting and evaluating transaction processes between market logic and control logic;
- gaining a higher level of competence in blockchain technology.
Meet our project partners
- August-Wilhelm Scheer Institute for digital products and processes gGmbH
- Hager Electro GmbH und Co. KG
- Stadtwerke Saarlouis GmbH
- OLI Systems GmbH
FlexChain is funded by
The project will run from 1 March 2020 to 28 February 2023
What does SMaaS mean?
Concept of a service product for local energy trade – Smart Microgrids as a Service
Project description
SMaaS aims at enabling and optimizing economical local supply of districts or industrial areas with local resources by means of providing information. To offer the required infrastructure for information technology, a market mechanism is to be developed that enables consumers to trade locally generated energy. Components are to be used to develop a service product that is suitable for any application. In addition, the product may also be used in international microgrids that will be implemented to improve the energy supply in general. Besides electrical energy, the project explicitly is to consider thermal energy. This is to facilitate local supply with electricity and heat as well.
A market-oriented mechanism is to coordinate customers, custom interfaces for acquisition and different approaches to optimize consumption of electricity and heat with connected additional smart services. The complex and intelligent service should be as generic as possible to enable easy adaptation to individual customer needs.
Goals and objectives
One central aspect of the project is to develop a comprehensive product that offers services to trade energy locally. This requires general interconnection between acquisition, standardization and optimization as well as integration of energy consumers.
VIVAVIS is to provide necessary interfaces and standardized data to all applications.
VIVAVIS brings to the project its competence in as well as experience with infrastructures, metered data acquisition and above all standardization as well as forwarding of data. Our main issues are
- realizing a data platform equipped with individual interfaces to partner systems that is able to create a network of required measurement and analysis technologies;
- providing data created by customer decisions and changes to consumption and supply behaviour for predictive analyses;
- integrating measurement as well as field technologies into a system platform thereby standardizing technological peculiarities.
Meet our project partners
- Berg GmbH
- Selfbits GmbH
- Stadtwerke Ettlingen GmbH
- Energie Südwest
- Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
SMaaS is funded by
The project will run from 1 September 2020 to 31 August 2023
What does SmartGridCluster mean?
Operation of a smart grid cluster as virtual power plant considering communication in compliance with the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).
Project description
Until 2020, conceptions of intelligent distribution grids mainly had to address the challenges of integrating renewable energies and ensuring power quality at the same time. Since then, new requirements have been added especially by the German Federal Office for Information Security with regard to smart metering systems. Digitization in the course of the energy transition, data privacy, communication security, the need for dynamic reactive power in networks, manifold operational goals of stakeholders (feed-in, home renewables, system services) and the government’s intention to extend the influence of market mechanisms on management processes play an increasingly important role.
The project aims to
- design a communication infrastructure to automate intelligent distribution grids in the future (thereby considering requirements stipulated by the German Federal Office for Information Security);
- design a virtual power plant for reactive power management across the grid using manifold innovative assets;
- develop and apply new converters to improve power quality by compensating harmonic oscillation, unbalancing voltages and manipulating the frequency of the distribution grid;
- use active power and system services locally thereby considering decentralized market mechanisms;
- develop a paramount comprehensive regulation concept to improve both power quality and reactive power management across the grid.
The project connects to the research project “Verteilnetz 2020” and transfers its technologies to new communication routes and protocols (thereby considering requirements stipulated for smart metering systems by the German Federal Office for Information Security).
Goals and objectives
VIVAVIS mainly focuses on providing a system concept to improve monitoring as well as options to control electric networks. New boundary conditions such as decentralized feed-in, new consumers (eg e-Mobility) and the like create new requirements.Thus, system operators must be able to assess system conditions even on low voltage level. Furthermore, the regulator developed in the project “Verteilnetz 2020” is an important unit that has to be integrated as it can be used with existing components such as phase regulators and photovoltaics to independently control as well as optimize grid stability.
Enhancing use cases for secure communication between our advanced FNN control box, smart meter gateway and decentralized as well as central components of the entire system is a new challenge that is to be faced. Non-personal data recorded by renewable energy generating systems is to be uncoupled to enable processing with a reactive power regulator and generating corresponding control signals.
Using the communication structure of a smart metering system (in compliance with the BSI) rounds off the overall picture.
VIVAVIS brings to the project its competence in as well as experience with infrastructures, especially energy systems and telecontrol, CLS channels of smart metering systems and FNN control boxes and will mainly assist in. Our main issues are
- improving options for grid operators to monitor power supply networks by means of grid control technology (forwarding of measured values via CLS channel);
- developing a solution for standardized integration of subnetwork controllers into the overall system (via Modbus® TCP);
- developing a solution for universal system configuration to integrate components;
- developing a solution to integrate control box and communication in compliance with German law thereby considering decentralization requirements;
- testing the entire system in the field.
Meet our project partners
- Eberle GmbH & Co KG
- KACO new energy GmbH
- Grass Power Electronics GmbH
- Power Plus Communications AG
- Infra Fürth GmbH
- Technical University of Munich
- Technische Hochschule Nürnberg
SmartGridCluster is funded by
Our funding projects on YouTube
VIVAVIS I Why does the MeGa funding project exist?
VIVAVIS I What are the aims of the MeGa funding project?
VIVAVIS I Why does the RESIGENT funding project exist?
VIVAVIS I What are the aims of the RESIGENT funding project?
VIVAVIS I Why does the NEED funding project exist?
VIVAVIS I What are the aims of the NEED funding project?
VIVAVIS I Why does the CACTUS funding project exist?
VIVAVIS I What are the aims of the CACTUS funding project?
Your VIVAVIS Contact Person
Research assistant & consultant for standardization and funding programs

Carola Krug
Research Associate & Advisor for Standardisation and Funding Programmes
Phone: +49 7243 218 804
Mobile: +49 172 710 0674
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Research associate & consultant for standardization and funding programs

Sven Sauerbaum
Research Associate & Advisor for Standardisation and Funding Programmes
Phone: +49 7243 218 993
Mobile: +49 172 633 8973
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Management of committees and funding projects

Jörg Schmidtke
Head of committees and funding projects
Phone: +49 7243 218 719
Mobile: +49 173 543 7855
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