Meinberg Addresses Multiple Vulnerabilities in LANTIME Firmware – MBGSA-2025.02
The manufacturer Meinberg has released firmware version 7.08.021 for the NTP time servers of the LANTIME M and LANTIME IMS series to address vulnerabilities in multiple libraries.
The new version addresses a total of 11 vulnerabilities, one of which is rated as high severity in the rsync library.
CVE-2025-0167, CVE-2025-0665, CVE-2024-12243, CVE-2024-57392, CVE-2024-32487, CVE-2024-12085, CVE-2024-12086, CVE-2024-12087, CVE-2024-12088, CVE-2024-12747, CVE-2024-13176
Further details can be found in Security Advisory MBGSA-2025.02.
The LANTIME firmware is used by devices of the LANTIME M series (M100, M150, M200, M250, M300, M320, M400, M450, M600, M900) as well as all devices of the LANTIME IMS series (M500, M1000, M1000S, M2000S, M3000, M3000S, M4000).
We recommend installing the latest firmware on all Meinberg NTP time servers of the affected LANTIME series as outlined in the advisory.
If you have further questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact our Customer Support.
Peter Schwark
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