For Energy- and Watersupply

HIGH-LEIT - An ADMS System for Power Supply Grids

The challenges faced by owners of power grids continually increase with the digitisation of the energy market. Ensuring grid stability at all voltage levels and IT security requires the use of a grid control system that meets the highest standards.

As an open control system in client-server architecture, the HIGH-LEIT network control system ADMS offers functionalities for operating and monitoring as well as archiving and reporting. In addition, HIGH-LEIT has some advanced functionalities to cope with current challenges in energy supply. Division-related functions, such as topology for pipe networks, topology current and fault location, network calculation and short-circuit current calculation as well as the network trainer round these up.

The HIGH-LEIT network control system is designed for applications in the energy and water supply and environmental sectors as well as for industrial tasks. The high requirements for OT security are fully granted. This ensures investment security for the energy supply.

With the HIGH-LEIT network control system you are on the safe side!


User interface

The user interface offers some comfort functions. Variable desktop layouts allow individual design and customization of the user interface. Geo image allow very large amounts of information to be managed and displayed in a process screen. In combination with a large screen, this allows fast and clear navigation in the modeled network or in the GIS image view. The end-to-end connectivity functions allow the operator to quickly generate interactive evaluations. All data can also be displayed on different monitors via multiscreening. To make the handling of large plant images comfortable, the network control system HIGH-LEIT provides a large number of additional functions such as (remote) zooming, scrolling and decluttering. Furthermore, notes, comments and markers can be easily assigned.

Operate and observe

The HIGH-LEIT network control system provides user-friendly display and operation support for safe network operation. This includes intuitive alarm guidance throughout the system as well as external alarming. Further, individually tailored functions support network operation. Drag & Drop, Zooming/Panning & Decluttering are just some of the standard applications.

Object-oriented Engineering

The engineering of the network control system is typified, which greatly reduces the parameterization effort and avoids errors.An Efficient engineering. The consistent object-oriented approach requires very little effort even for subsequent changes in engineering - all objects of a type are changed with just a few clicks. Engineering takes place offline and therefore has no direct influence on the database in the network control system.

Archiving and reporting

Extensive possibilities for archiving, evaluation and reportings are available. A reporting archive for periodic, event-oriented as well as all events including all comments comprise the extensive archives. Comprehensive evaluations with respective representation in the system simplify the day-to-day work. A modern dashboard is available for all "on the fly" evaluations.

Client capability

As a multi-client capable system, the HIGH-LEIT network control system can process the data from different plants, media or even from several customers separately on the same system. The access authorizations - structured according to workstations, functions, operators, areas and clients - can be parameterized by the user himself. Here, for example, different partner municipalities can manage their own electricity gas or water networks via a central network control system as respective clients.

Advanced functions in all sectors

It must be ensured that the ever-increasing challenges facing network operators can be met with maximum reliability. For this purpose, the HIGH-LEIT network control system offers corresponding division-related network control functions: Topological network representation, markings and switching fault protection, network provisioning, fault location (earth fault and short circuit), schematic and geo-based network representation, network calculation, state estimation, short circuit current calculation, switching order management, pipe network topology, water management, leakage detection and simulation.


The HIGH-LEIT network control system meets the current requirements for IT security, including a permanent update service. This ensures the required investment security for the energy supply. A selection of measures that raise the HIGH-LEIT network control system to the latest security level is listed below. These include: Zone model for maximum security, regular updates of the application, installation of redundant domain controllers, basic hardening of all devices and network components, central Windows Server Update Service for the distribution of operating system patches and operation in the data center as a service including secure communication links.

Your added value for network control technology

Custom-made system

Custom-made system

It distinguishes itself through extreme scalability and continous expandability.
Wide range of applications

Wide range of applications

Is tried and tested for all lines of business, such as electricity, gas, water, or district heating.
Modular & sector-specific applications

Modular & sector-specific applications

This includes various applications such as network topologies, fault location, network calculation, simulation or forecasting.
High IT security

High IT security

Ensures IT security standards according to BDEW-Whitepaper/ISO2700x.
Regular updates

Regular updates

Updates keep the system always up to date and make it a safe investment for the future.
Fluent data exchange

Fluent data exchange

Enables user-friendly, seamless data exchange with 3rd party IT systems.
Flexible adaption

Flexible adaption

Provides multiple communication interfaces with telecontrol and process systems.

Customised support for every user group

This supports the gas transportation and distribution network operators

  • HIGH-LEIT is ideally suited for the operation and monitoring of gas transportation and distribution networks.
  • HIGH-LEIT enables the visualisation (schematic, geographic and via process displays) of your gas network.
  • HIGH-LEIT offers interfaces to ADM systems of other network operators via OPC and TASE.2.
  • HIGH-LEIT includes functionalities for gas quality monitoring.
  • HIGH-LEIT’s sophisticated formula scripts enable you to calculate and recalculate derived values, thus providing reliable values for billing purposes.

Support for power grid operators

  • HIGH-LEIT is an operation and monitoring system for the safe and reliable operation of power grids.
  • HIGH-LEIT enables the visualisation (schematic, geographic and via station displays) of your power grid.
  • HIGH-LEIT provides support for troubleshooting, isolation and supply recovery.
  • HIGH-LEIT calculates power flows and the utilisation of components/assets. Furthermore, HIGH-LEIT includes functions like short-circuit calculation, n-1 outage analysis and state estimation.
  • The simulation mode helps you to analyse scenarios based on historical situations.
  • The HIGH-LEIT switching application offers a workflow for the creation and execution of switching requests.

Support for water supply and wastewater network operators

  • HIGH-LEIT visualises pipeline networks and installations.
  • HIGH-LEIT collects the most important data from your system controls.
  • HIGH-LEIT carries out higher-level reporting via EXCEL Reports.
  • HIGH-LEIT provides all data to third-party systems via standardised interfaces
  • HIGH-LEIT enables the visualisation (schematic, geographic and via station displays) of your power grid.

Support for municipal utility company operators

  • HIGH-LEIT enables the uniform and consistent visualisation for all sectors, thus providing a clear overview and enabling the safe operation of systems.
  • HIGH-LEIT deals with the different sectors separately, thereby providing operators with just the suitable data, visualisation and operations that match their respective area of responsibility.
  • Moreover, HIGH-LEIT provides an alarm management function for control posts that are not manned every day and around the clock, thereby making sure that the correct stand-by personnel is alerted as quickly as possible in the event of alarms – e.g. via phone, SMS, e-mail or pager services.
  • The HIGH-LEIT Terminal Server and the HIGH-LEIT App provide quick overview of current faults/outages to stand-by staff even when they are not present at their workplaces.
  • With HIGH-LEIT Web and the Dashboard, you can make selected data available to third parties, both to the management in your own company and to external clients.
  • HIGH-LEIT offers advanced functionalities for all sectors – modular and adaptable to your individual requirements.



HIGH-LEIT - Overview 2.81 MB 1193 downloads

Suitable sectors for this solution

Gas transportation networks

Solution for safe and efficient operation of gas networks

Medium- and High-Voltage Power Distribution Grids

Solution for secure and sustainable supply networks

Industrial Pipelines

Solutions for gas or oil pipelines

Water Networks

Solution for optimised water supply control


Smart grid and charging infrastructure solution

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