Station Automation System
Solution for the protection of grids and switchgear in the medium and high voltage range

Protection technology for the reliable protection of your equipment

Short circuits and ground faults not only cause grid failures and thus incalculable risks and costs, but also endanger switchgear and, in the worst case, lead to personal injury. Safe handling of this task, as well as the additional requirements due to the centralized feed-in of regenerative energies, requires more than ever powerful and efficient solutions in the field of grid protection and control technology. The ACOS 300 protection device series has a large number of protection function modules with which comprehensive protection concepts can be implemented. This makes ACOS 300 equally suitable for the protection of networks and switchgear in the medium and high-voltage range, as well as for their monitoring and control. The hardware and software of the ACOS 300 protection devices are modular and therefore freely configurable. By integrating a wide variety of I/O and communication or sensor signal cards in combination with a very powerful functional logic, they can also handle complex automation tasks. During the development of the ACOS 300 protection devices, the focus was on precision, durability and ease of use. The EuroCAP engineering tool provides a user-friendly and flexible application for protection, control, signaling and measurement functions to ensure that the ACOS 300 protection devices are fully adaptable to the given task.

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Functions and features

Complete Scope of Protection Functions

Complete Scope of Protection Functions

The ACOS 300 protection device series has a complete protection function portfolio - including, of course, new functions for the distributed generation network (QU, AFE). The functional scope of the devices covers all current- and voltage-based applications: Overcurrent protection, ground fault protection, distance protection, differential protection as well as motor, transformer and frequency protection functions are also included.
Modular System Design

Modular System Design

The modular design allows the modules to be assembled and configured according to the user's requirements. This offers flexible solutions for the secondary technical upgrading of existing plants.
Full Communication Capabilities

Full Communication Capabilities

Ethernet-based communication: IEC61850; IEC60870-5-104; DNP3.0 TCP; Modbus TCP Serial communication: DNP3.0; IEC60870-5-101/103; MODBUS, SPA. The ACOS 300 series of protection devices can handle several communication protocols simultaneously.

Automatic Reclosing

Automatic Reclosing

The automatic reclosing function for medium- and high-voltage grids features a multi-step automatic reclosing process with synchro-check. Intervals can be set for each cycle and separately for single- and multi-phase errors.
Simple and Intuitive Engineering

Simple and Intuitive Engineering

Thanks to the uniform engineering workflow, the simple typed engineering and the user-oriented concept, predefined plant configurations can be adapted to the user's requirements with the powerful EuroCAP engineering tool.
Embedded Web server

Embedded Web server

A web browser additionally enables monitoring and parameterization via a web-based interface.
Freely Configurable LCDs

Freely Configurable LCDs

Our solution includes LCDs that can be configured by the users; these LCDs visualise single-line diagrams (SLDs) with switching positions and control as well as measured values and a wide range of controllable objects.
Different Modes of Installation

Different Modes of Installation

ACOS 300 devices can be installed on racks, cabinets, consoles, on walls (with or without terminals), with cover acc. to IP54.
Reliable partner

Reliable partner

We support and advise you before the start of the project, create protection concepts based on the customer's structure, supply protection devices and carry out commissioning of complete systems as well as individual devices. Final testing work, such as protection tests, including documentation and value preservation are also part of our scope of services.

Your benefits for reliable protection of your installations

Your Reliable Partner (Services)

Your Reliable Partner (Services)

Compact protection and field control devices for every task. Complete protection function portfolio paired with new functions for the distributed generation network (QU, AFE).
Modular combination protection/ and protection devices

Modular combination protection/ and protection devices

The ACOS 300 protection devices fulfill all the protection functions required for modern networks. They have a modular design and are therefore freely configurable. By integrating a wide variety of I/O and communication or sensor signal cards in combination with very powerful function logic, they can also handle complex automation tasks.
individual protection concepts

individual protection concepts

The hard- and software components of the different device types are adapted to the requirements of individual protection concepts and can be optimised and adapted where necessary.
Retrofitting: Making Your System Future-Proof

Retrofitting: Making Your System Future-Proof

The ACOS 300 protection devices are available in various installation variants: straight, side-mounted, with additional bracket or door-mounted. In addition, the ACOS 300 protection devices are available as compact devices with all available protection functions, so that the functions of older switchgear can also be taken over and fulfilled by means of function logic.
Switching functions on the touch display

Switching functions on the touch display

Frequently, there are pressure or turn switches installed in cabinet doors which enable switching of different functions. These switches can be replaced by integrating the function into the protection device where it is then visualised on the touch display. The operator thus has a uniform user environment for the operation of his system.
Backward Interlocking

Backward Interlocking

By means of an interlocking information received by a protection device, the fast stage of a directed protection function is blocked in each case, thus ensuring the possibility of disconnection at another, more sensible point of the network. This enables the best possible selective disconnection of the fault in a very short time.
Comprehensive Service Portfolio

Comprehensive Service Portfolio

Planning, installation, engineering, system engineering, programming of protection devices, tests, value retention, commissioning and protection tests.

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