Starting into digitization with fast solutions on today’s World Water Day
Today is World Water Day! The United Nations warns of a global water crisis on the occasion of increasing droughts and flood disasters, because climate change clearly affects our probably most important resource. Water supply networks are subject to the highest demands in terms of reliability and safety of operation. Meeting these requirements is becoming an ever greater challenge in times of climate change and dwindling resources. That is why new flexible and digital process solutions are needed for sustainable water and wastewater management.
Depending on the problem, VIVAVIS AG puts together individual solutions and systems in order to be able to react in the best possible way to upcoming challenges in all areas of water and wastewater management and to guarantee maximum security of supply.
One possible solution for the water management sector is the fast and digital LoRa®* technology. LoRa® stands for Long Range and is also increasingly coming to the fore in the process control system environment: on the one hand because the use of the SRD band 868 MHz is free, and on the other hand because of the significantly better transmission properties compared to common radio technologies. Thus, LoRaWAN® technology can also be used in locations where common radio technologies fail. VIVAVIS offers you solutions that provide further information and measurement data efficiently and flexibly with the help of this transmission type.
In principle, LoRa® components can be used in all areas of digitalization. Here, regardless of the application, the savings effects are evident in the areas of installation, engineering, commissioning and even more so in the ongoing communication costs.
Especially in water management, there are many possible applications for LoRa® technology. In order to optimally manage distribution networks, measurement data from the distribution network level must be collected cost-effectively. Using LoRa®, you can find out earlier how water levels are developing, when there is a risk of drought (through precipitation measurements), how the pressure and flow rate in the water distribution network are behaving, or what the states of remote aggregates are.
Thus, VIVAVIS offers digital and flexible solutions that ensure the sustainable use of water resources and advance the digitalization of water management.
You would like to realize first measurements without large investments? With our starter boxes you can now find an easy and quick entry into the LoRa® world.
*LoRa® and LoRaWAN® are registered trademarks of Semtech Corporation.